Affichage # 
Titre Clics
"Dangerous" Dave Gibson at Randolph, UT 5746
"Getting High" DFC speed gliding New Zealand 6970
021212 - 3x T2C's 5323
161 km/ph quite close to the water 7212
1983 First Freestyle Hang Gliding Contest - PART 3 5529
1st loop hang glider 5428
2007 Worlds Spot Landing Contest 5860
2011 - Hanggliding over the snow - YESSSS! 4815
2014 11 21 Varutrask, sweden. flight with my twinbrother,in life, wings, Mosquito and hang gliding 3505
2014 Lac d'Annecy, Mondial Delta -- FAI World Hang Gliding Championships 4415
2015 Hang Gliding 7208
A classic day - (delta au ralenti) 6279
A Glimpse of Hang Gliding 5183
A Marshall Evening *redux 3729
A Touching Moment - An excerpt from Nature Propelled 4540
Abusive Control 4585
Abusive control by John Smith 7464
Acro on the Stealth - Jim Rooney 5092
Addicted to Flight - Angelo D'Arrigo 4835
Aero Session at "Commodore" 9-10-2013 4454
Aeros Combat L 12 8123
Aeros winter race 2010 4633
Aile delta falaise 6072
Airdog - le drône qui vous suit !!! 4508
AirTime 2011 4609
Alex Ploner fête sa victoire 2009 !!! +++++ 3680
Allongé sur le ciel 6004
Andrea Iemma - Hang gliding acro 5275
Andrea Iemma in Red Bull Vertigo 2006 - Hang gliding acro 5865
Angelo d'Arrigo - Flying over Everest+++ 6020
Another Great Day In The Alps 4137
Antoine Boisselier Speedgliding St Hilaire 6945
Archaeopteryx - le planeur à pattes 4809
Archaeopteryx - What A Hang Glider ! 4208
Archaeopteryx Demo-Clip 4942
Ator 2 - Hang Gliding Bomber 4821
ATOS flight with CHRIS FRIEDL 4405
Atos VR - Impressions 2011. A silent glide across the swiss alps, after 30 years airborne 4745
Atos VR - Impressions 2012 - Fantastic ice world, fly over the snowy swiss alps 5267
ATOS VRQ in the Swiss Alps 5820
Australian Hang Gliding. Tim Travers Tribute 3767
Backwards Hang Glider Landing at Fort Funston in San Francisco 3961
Bad landings 5875
Ballons et delta: superbes images prises par Antoine Saraf 4486
Barre des Ecrin 4105 mt in DELTAPLANO 5312
Be That Guy (Hang Glide) 4947
Being a bird whilst wearing thongs, and crashing 4496
Big Sur groov'n... 5816
Biplace - Pierre qui vole et Gilles 4828
Biplace agité 5564
Birdmen of Kilimanjaro 4670
Blue Mountains Convergence Flight 4085
Bonne année 2012 ! 3841
Bonne année à tous !!! 3514
Bye bye Norbert et Luis 3676
Byron Bay Hang Gliding 4060
Callum Fisher Lowest Loop 5150
Caméra embarquée sur un aigle 4881
Canoa Open - ridge racing in Ecuador 3899
Canoa Open 2009 4527
Caucasus Rus hanggliding 4918
Caucasus Rus hanggliding. 5151
Challenge Fiesch Open Hanggliding Championship 2011 4461
Championnat du monde de deltaplane 2014 à Annecy 4747
Championnat du monde delta 2008/2009 - présentation 4888
Chasing white tops 6737
City Riders 4028
Coastal Pilots Exceptional Flying: a Hang Gliding Highlights Compilation 4180
Col de Battaglia 05/2010 4816
Coming down - mauvais atterrissages 5321
Commodore Throwdown 3878
Crash para and hanggliding - DUST DEVIL 6009
Cristo Rio De Janeiro 4674
Cross Deltaplane 202 km 4373
Dalby Big Air 4368
Dallas Willis Aerobatic Hang Gliding 5280
Dangerous Dave UNretirement 2012 3861
Décos en delta chez les goelands d'armor 4982
Delta à la dune du pyla 6500
Delta in Russia+++ 5084
Delta sur la dune verte 4178
Delta sur le Haut Jura 5467
Deltafliegen 4786
Deltaplane - Christian Pollet au Pyla 3883
Deltaplane : sky dream 4298
Didier Favre - Adieu vagabond 5360
Didier Favre - Bêtiser HQ 4927
Didier Favre - Cap 444 HQ 5900
Didier Favre - Cap 444 LQ 14882
Didier Favre - Merci Didier HQ 15219
Discovery Channel - Factory Made ep. 6 4117
Discovery Channel - HangGlider 5113
Discovery Channel short movies -- HangGlider 4866
Dragon Riders On Fire 5203
Dream it - do it ! Deltafliegen Paragliding Flugschule 4885
DreamGlider - The Next Hang Glider Generation 4402
Dreaming Awake in Big Sur 4381
Dreaming Awake Teaser Number Two 3087
Drug of choice 4139
Duel in the Desert with a Redtail Hawk - A hang gliding film by Bill Comstock & Greg Porter 3510
Dune - Antoine Mamia 4207
Dune Gooning 4923
EARTH VS. AIR -- This is Lumia 5362
East Coast Championship 5052
East Coast Championship 2008 4661
Electric Atos Hang Glider 5252
Ellenville Sweet Summer 3958
Elysium (Full Version) 4295
Epic hang gliding (Flying high in the snow mountains) 4277
EPIC Hang Gliding at 130MPH - Wolfgang Siess 4283
EPIC Sunset Hang Gliding In Australia 4021
Evening Hang Gliding 4094
EXCLUSIVE Hang Gliding Smoke Trails | EXTENDED CUT 3590
Extreme hang glider control - flying backwards in 30mph wi 3531
Extreme Hanggliding Swooping 4333
Extreme Hanggliding with Flo Orley, Interlaken, Switzerland 4283
EXTREME LANDINGS - Hanggliding swoops attempts 3904
Extreme swooping Morocco - Olivier Fritz 3994
Falaise de Bandiagara en delta - Mali, 1984 4569
Feeling Good on the South Side 4333
Ferry, ferry fun 3994
Florida Hang Gliding - Tandem towing by boat 4756
Fly Girl's 4289
Fly Morocco 2011 - Episode III 3852
Flying at Lookout Mountain 03-08 4481
Flying in January 4367
Flying in the land of a capricorn (Mangart mountain) 3680
Flying in the Swiss alps in April (Very Cold) 3924
Flying is not a dream any more 4320
Flying Litespeed Rx on the coast of Stanwell park 3903
Flying Santa Klaus - Père Noël volant 4671
Flying Shinanigans 4004
Flytec 2006 4694
Flytec Race & Rally 5877
Flytec Race & Rally 2010 4018
Footage hang gliding from 2008 to the end of 2010 in A.A.F. 4026
Forbes 2009 5166
Forever Young by Jo Coby. Australian HG 5014
Free as a bird- Great Gig in the Sky 4993
FREE FLYERS (hang gliding - paragliding movie trailer) 4318
Freestyle Hang Gliding 150km hr Water Touch Extreme Diaries with Flo Orley, Ep 2 6575
Funston swoops 9-7-12 4082
Garfield hang gliding ! 4239
Glider vs Soul Flyers - WING SUIT à voir absolument 4600
Glocknerflug II - best-of-selection 5490
Going Crazy at the Bluff March 21st 07 4365
Google Earth 360 Video of Glider using 360Heros 360 Video Gear 3718
GoPro: Hang Gliding Wilson Arch 6818
Gravity 5058
Ground Effect 4014
Gyro Hang Glider Tow 4740
Hang Doggin'+++ 4619
Hang Glide Freestyle 8-7-12 3760
Hang Glide Yosemite 7536
Hang Glider aerobatics and scenic tour 3859
Hang Glider Aerobatics, Double Back Loop with Inches to Spare: by World Champ Mitch McAller 3734
Hang Glider Cliff Launch with Base Jumpers at Mineral Bottom / Mary's Gash 3921
Hang Glider Overcomes Handicap - Il décolle sur une jambe! 3742
Hang Gliding 4683
Hang Gliding - Airtime 4303
Hang Gliding - Born to Fly 3829
Hang Gliding - Cruising Torrey 5052
Hang Gliding - Doug Demonstrates the Top Landing - Flying The Gully 6681
Hang Gliding - Dune Gooning at the Boneyard 2011- Australia 4145
Hang Gliding - Fly like an eagle 4377
Hang Gliding - Furious Angels 3506
Hang Gliding - Horse Thief Canyon 4245
hang gliding - Namibia - Into the sky - Deltaplane 3080
Hang Gliding - The "Ridge" Pack +++ 4435
Hang gliding - Villeneuve & Stans 2008 4928
Hang Gliding & Mass Rioting DirecTV TV Commercial 3578
Hang Gliding 21 2682
Hang Gliding 33 take off 4199
Hang Gliding 4 year old girl Tandem Flight 3871
Hang gliding 7.27.09 South Side +++++ 4299
Hang Gliding Abandoned Beach Hotel 3272
Hang Gliding at its best, Valle 2009 4214
Hang gliding at Point of the Mountain 4127
Hang Gliding Big Spring 2006 hi 4607
Hang Gliding Bill Heaner Extreme Acro 4516
Hang Gliding Climbout 4504
Hang Gliding Compilation - Aug 31st 2009 4285
Hang Gliding Dog+++ 4496
Hang Gliding Dolomites Dream The End 4505
Hang gliding Euro trip 2013 3692
Hang Gliding Famara II 4191
HANG GLIDING Flight 2014 3672
Hang gliding France St Andre and Aspres - Piotr and Nico 3972
Hang Gliding from a Dog's Perspective 3801
Hang Gliding in Oceanside, Oregon 4365
Hang Gliding in Salt Lake City 4677
Hang gliding in Slovenia (Late October) 4075
Hang gliding in Soca valley 3992
Hang gliding in subzero temperatures (Shot 100% on GoPro Black edition) 4969
Hang gliding in Switzerland 3222
Hang Gliding Islamorada, 2013 4395
Hang Gliding Legend John Heiney Demo Real - John Heiney 3805
Hang Gliding Loop Record 4041
Hang gliding movie "Free Flyers" (full movie) 3970
Hang gliding movie "Free Flyers" (full) 3163
Hang gliding Moyes Litespeed tow and aerobatics 6394
Hang Gliding Oahu 4424
Hang Gliding on the Treetops 3896
Hang gliding over Neuschwanstein castle - Corinna Schwiegershausen 3832
Hang Gliding Over the Channel (1989) 4924
Hang gliding playground (Monte Cucco) 3734
Hang Gliding Teaser With Jeff O'Brien At Point Of The Mountain, Utah. 4041
Hang gliding Thurstaston 4062
Hang Gliding video + 5378
Hang Gliding with a GoPro 4629
Hang Gliding With Jeff Shapiro 3775
Hang Gliding World Championship 2006 4797
Hang Gliding World Championship 2010 Trailer 4670
Hang Gliding World Record Distance flight 3879
Hang Gliding, "Wolfi's" reel 3577
Hang Gliding, No Harness Free Flying on Mars 170 in 1980's UNBELIEVABLE !!!! 4232
Hang Loop 4916
Hangglider loop, spin, land 4082
Hanggliders on Acro 5434
Hanggliding - Dream flight 4418
Hanggliding and a not so friendly eagle... 3943
Hanggliding Base Jump -Salto Ala delta 9949
Hanggliding Denmark 4081
Hanggliding Elements 4309
Hanggliding Fun - poser dans une brouette 4939
Hanggliding is not a crime 4553
Hanggliding Lenzerheide hiver 2005 4063
Hanggliding Moab, Utah 5271
Hanggliding Normandy 3608
Hanggliding panic - Girls, boobs and screams - must see! 4372
Hanggliding pioneers 4765
Hanggliding Unplugged 3900
Hanggliding: Speeding 2nd Version 4445
Hangin' Low Hang Gliding 3862
Having fun in late August 4308
hawai 3280
Hawk Goes for The Kill (me) 3927
Helpless hang glider pilot 4086
HG Bill Heaner Extreme acro 2000 4286
HG_Servia2007.V5 5278
High Speed 4815
How not to fly a Hang glider!! 4026
How to hang glide by Oliver Barthelmes German Champion 4090
I can show you 4360
Icarus 6002
Icarus Stokes 4269
In glide we trust 4009
John Heiney looping in Aerofest Mazatlan, Mexico 3938
John Smith - Looping over Queenstown 4896
Johnny + Loop 4630
Johnny + loop 2 4380
Johnny on his girl's glider 3826
Jonny Does Tambo 4410
Jonny Durand sets two hang gliding world records 3423
JS landing 4883
K9 Soaring - hang gliding with a dog 4666
Kenny doing what he does best 4931
La dent du CHON 4437
Lancelin 4399
Landing a 12m combat in 30 knots 4949
Landings WORLDS 09 Laragne 5029
Lanzarote Delta Saison 2013 JLD v4 3658
Lanzarote Drachenfliegen 4447
Lanzarote hanggliding, go pro 4909
Largage ballon 4626
Largage mongolfière - Chateau d'Oex 4223
Le delta-club du Haut Jura en Espagne 5235
Le père NOEL en parapente 4233
Le pudding à l'arsenic - 6 janvier 2013 2808
Leeton Easter 2012 4190
Legends of the fall 3730
Les animaux s'envoient en l'air 5105
Les loopings de Rouille 4760
Live The Dream - Full Version 4654
Living my Dream 4696
Loop and rotate 4544
Loopings by Mitch mc Alleer 3803
Louder than words 6950
Louder than words et ERREUR 404 !!! 3833
Lovely Spring flights 4225
Magie Du Vallon de Réchy 3929
Magpie waxing Adam's tail 3994
Mala! Lanzarote 2015 day 4 7158
Malibu - beach flying 5104
Marina Beach Steeple chase 4798
Marty the Rainbow Warrior 6831
Massimo Pugi 7054
Merry Wispmas A White-Out Christmas! 7286
Mike Harker shake's a leg around the world 5123
Mitch McAlleer HG aerobatics+++ 4307
Monkey hanggliding - climb in A Frame 5220
Monte Cucco 2010 4346
MTV - Sex is no accident / Hang Gliding 4414
Namibie - cru 2013 ;-) 3926
New Zealand Hang Gliding Adventure Teaser 4407
Nico - Cool Landings II 4482
Nico climbs at 4290m - Vercorin 2007 5111
Nico hanggliding in Mauborget 2009 - Landings+++ 4514
Nico Hanggliding in Vercorin - Spot Landing 4446
Nico hanggliding over the snow - Swiss Alps 3789
Nico in Mauborget - TRICKY FLARE 2009 4748
Nico in the clouds - Annecy 2006 4862
Nicolas Hulot - Compilation de quelques vols 02 4728
Nissan Outdoor Games 2008 - Day 3 3812
Nothing above 90 meters. 4581
Old Skysports HG Video - REDBULL MIX 4789
One Step Beyond Surprone 4990
Orgasmic flight in the Alps 3782
Out of control (HG falls) - mauvais atterros 5091
Ouverture parachute 5366
Over the top 4404
Paperback Writer - Adam Parer 4618
Par dessus les cîmes 3823
Paragliding Action und Delta - movie 4154
Paragliding vs Hanggliding 4857
Parapente à St Brieuc 7 deltistes en nord 4314
Ppg motor on a hang glider 4258
Pre World and French Hang gliding Championship Annecy 2013 3662
Pub - planeur et assurance 4889
Quest Air Swoop HD 4040
Racing Hang Gliders: Best of Manilla 2012 3971
Rate my Beat-Up 4743
RB Glory Glide VNR 280909 HQ++++ 4162
RC Hang Glider over Titahi Bay 3504
Recipe for a wonderful flight 4686
Red Bull Speed Run 2000 5474
Red Bull Speedgliding 6258
Red Bull Wings over Aspen 2000-2001 speed gliding 4645
Redbull Speed Run 3737
Rhythm of Flight Ep 6 "Tree Topping" 6734
RIO Bande-Annonce VF 4161
Rythm of Flight - "Shit or Chute" - Ep 2 4178
Scratching (Hang-gliding) 4891
Seppi Salvenmoser landing Torino 2008 3883
Serrig 23.09.2009 4756
Shores of Elysium 3828
Simply the Best - Hang Gliding Photo - Nader Couri 4577
Skydancer 4670
SkyDay 4420
Soaring The Low Hanging Clouds of Kagel 4807
Sortie école aérocentre à Montecuco - 53min LQ 4333
Sortie école aérocentre à Montecuco - best of LQ 4225
Speed gliding 4990
Speed Gliding Gaisberg 2010 Highlights 3812
Speed gliding in New Zealand 4305
Speed gliding with the DFC 4315
Speed run : mauler cup 2011 by Pierro 3879
Speed Run 01 4317
Speed Run 02 4358
Speed run Mauler Cup Zinal 2009 4075
Speed run Mauler Cup Zinal 2010 3744
Speedgliding TC Wanaka Sept 07 part 2/2 3933
Speedrun aile delta 4231
Splash - deltas & paras 4082
Splash - Vertigo2006, Villeneuve CH 4728
Spot Landing competition - Hanggliding 4381
Spring 2010 is almost here 4279
Stage Jeune 2014 FFVL - Deltaplane 3715
Stage Jeune Delta 2014 3315
Stanserhorn Cup Light 2008 4137
Step into AIR 4167
Stratus Flight 3511
Stuntwings hang gliding video 3874
Swift Flying School - Aviasport 3252
Swiss ice on the rocks - hanggliding 4142
Swoop 500 - hang gliding shore II shore 3997
Tandem hang gliding in Colombia 4582
Temporada de Hang Glider 2007 4096
Tentatives de swoop - atterros sportifs 3643
Test Gopro en largage aile delta 4152
Testing Airborne prototypes. Adam Parer 4508
The Archaeopteryx 4427
The Cape 4666
The Extreme sport week 2007 part 1 4483
The Extreme sport week 2007 part 2 4713
The Jeffs 3998
The Sport of Hang Gliding 4870
The Trifecta 3755
Thermiques et vent - vidéo éducative 3244
This is Hanggliding! 4728
This is your brain on Hang Gliding 3979
Thomas Weissenberger 2012 - Hanggliding Chile Clip 4583
To live is to fly LQ 4304
Towing time - Adam Parer - Australia 2002 4264
travershillstart 4288
traversontower 4286
Triple J - Worlds 2013 2901
Über den Wolken... 4973
Ultralight gyrocopter hang glider 4438
Um Dia Mágico no Rio de janeiro - Voo Livre 3817
Verbier in the clouds 4154
Vertigo - Loop raté de Mc Aleer 4681
Vertigo - Water landing 4691
Vertigo 2003 - McAlleer et Yann Floury 5266
Vertigo 2008 - Go for the raft ! 4050
Vertigo 2008 Acro Sam Dupraz 5880
VJ23 5332
Voglia di volare - deltaplano 4947
Vol à Verbier, AG du Delta Club Valais 2012 4140
Vol au Crêt-du-Midi (Vercorin) en aile delta 4667
Vol d'automne en deltaplane à Annecy dans les nuages 3577
Vol en deltaplane - apprentissage compétition 5686
Vous ne croirez pas ce que cette machine peut faire 2900
Wallaby Heli-cam footage 3652
Willard with Smokes 3904
Wills Wing test flying 8.26.9 4411
Wing overs de Nicolas Tatti 5025
Wingsurfers, Fort Funston Madness - REDUX 3936
Wolfgang Siess Lake Elesinore 4807
Wolfi´s 650m swoop torino 2009 5033
WOOPY - Woopy Generation 5949
World's First Hang Gliding Dog 3895
XCmag's XC360: Hang Gliding Famara 3742
ZERO GRAVITY 2012 - Delta Speed Flying Vs Skieuse Run, Alpes 4180
ZERO GRAVITY 2012 - Delta Speed Gliding Run - Les 2 Alpes - 31/07/2012 3840
ZERO GRAVITY 2014 - Vintage Delta Speed Gliding Run 3656
ZERO GRAVITY NOV. 2012 - Acrobatic Delta Glider Over Chamrousse Belledonne - 18/11/2012 3803
Zinal Mauler Cup - Speedrun Delta 2011 4019
Zugspitza 4933